
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Send Your Son or Daughter to Durham's Free Farm Life School, Aug. 26, 1923

Lowes Grove Farm Life School

Durham County’s School of Vocational Agriculture and Home Economics

Pleasant and Healthful

Just beyond the six-mile post on the Alston macadam road, a farm of 75 acres. Unsurpassed high school buildings and equipment. Two dormitories. Agricultural buildings. Farm mechanic shop. Separate building for elementary grades. Excellent sanitary sewerage disposal. Electric lights and running water. Sanitary drinking fountains. In and out of door basket ball courts. Baseball diamond. Able faculty in all departments. Religious life carefully guarded.

21 Officers and Teachers, Over 150 Students

Four year high school course in agriculture and home economics. Expenses for session of eight months: free tuition is granted all boys and girls from Durham County. Non-residents pay a tuition of $2. Board will be given at actual cost. Last year it amounted to $14 per month.

For full information regarding courses, board, etc., write at once to J.H. Taylor, Principal

From the Durham Herald, Sunday, Aug. 26, 1923

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