
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Smithey, Jones and Hendren Have Died, Aug. 22, 1923

Death of Mrs. Fred Smithey

Friday morning, August 10, the death angel visited the home of J.C. Critcher of Moravian Falls, calling home a beloved daughter, sister and wife, Clara Critcher Smithey.

Clara was born September 21, 1901 at Bamboo, N.C. she joined the M.F. Baptist church in November, 1914, and lived a consistent member until her death.

She was married to Mr. Fred Smithey March 21, 1923, who survives her with her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Critcher, and four brothers, Messrs. June, Ronda, Lawrence, all of Moravian Falls, and Mr. A.N. Critcher of Oxford.

The pall bearers were Messrs. Percy and Janna Hix, Shafter Laws, Sam Pennell, Whiter and Richard Greer.

The flower girls were Misses Frances, Thelma and Rose Laws. Elsie Scott, Bernice Pardue, Clara and Beulah Brookshire, Clara Parlier, Anne Duncan, Janie Humphries, Lucy Hubbard, Mrs. John Edmisten.

Rev. Ernest Bumgarner, assisted by his father, Rev. Jeff Bumgarner, conducted the funeral at the Baptist church where a large number of friends gathered to pay their last respects.


Judge Jones Dies in Winston-Salem

Winston-Salem, Aug. 15—Ex-Judge E.B. Jones (one) of the State’s widely-known lawyers, and who served two terms as Superior court judge, died at his home in this city this morning after a lingering illness, his age being about 67 years. With the exception of his service on the Superior court bench, Judge Jones was engaged in the practice of law 43 years.


Death of Son-in-Law of County Agent A.G. Hendren

Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Hendren and Mr. Luther Hendren were called to Winston last Friday on account of the death of the former’s son-in-law, Mr. Duff. Bumgarner, who was stricken with paralysis the latter part of July.

The deceased was born in Alexander and was 39 years of age. The burial Sunday was in Alexander county near Lebanon church 10 miles west of Taylorsville, the funeral being preached by Rev. Ernest Bumgarner of that vicinity.

The deceased married twice during his life, the second time to Miss Ellie Hendren of this county. He is survived by his second wife and three children by his first marriage—two dead—the oldest son and the child being 16—and by a second marriage one small son, in all four living children, and is survived also by his mother, four brothers and one sister. Mr. John Bumgarner of Route 2, Wilkesboro, is his brother. His other brothers and one sister live in Alexander and Iredell.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Aug. 22, 1923

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