
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Vote on Road Bonds for Cataloochee Township, Sept. 29, 1923

Notice of Special Election to be Held in Cataloochee Township as to Road Bonds

Take notice that a special election has been called by the Board of County Commissioners of Haywood County, N.C., to be held in Cataloochee Township on the 29th day of September, 1923, for the purpose of voting upon the question of issuing bonds to the amount of $30,000 for the purpose of laying out, establishing, altering, repairing, grading, constructing and improving the main public road of the said Cataloochee Township from the Cove Creek Gap to the Tennessee line, work to begin at each end of the road and to continue toward the center of the township which said bonds shall be in the denominations of $1,000 each, and to bear interest at the rate not to exceed 6% per annum, payable annually, the first of said bonds to mature three years from the issuing of the same, and one bond to mature each year for 30 years, and for levying a tax on the property and polls of said township, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to pay the principal of said bonds as the same shall mature.

The said bonds shall be issued in the name of Haywood County, and shall be made payable exclusively out of the taxes to be levied in said Cataloochee township, and shall contain provisions as to place and medium of payment as the board of commissioners determine, said bonds shall be signed by the chairman of the County Board of Commissioners, and the seal of the County shall be affixed to, or impressed upon each bond and they shall be attested by the Register of Deeds of the County, and the interest coupons shall bear the printed lithographed or etched facsimile signature of the chairman, all pursuant to section 3696, of Article 5, Chapter 70 of the Consolidated Statues of North Carolina, and other laws relating thereto.

Said election will be held at the regular polling places in said township, to-wit: Big Creek precinct, and Cataloochee precinct, which precincts have been designated at the places for holding the election, and Will White and Garfield Jenkins have been appointed judges, and I.H. Hopkins has been appointed registrar for said Big Creek precinct, and W.A. Palmer and Jas. A. Hannah have been appointed judges and Jarvis Plamer as registrar of said Cataloochee precinct, for said election.

You will further take notice that said registration books will be open for the registration of voters on August 18, 1923, and will close on Saturday, September 15, 1923, and that said registration has been ordered, and that Saturday before election shall be challenge day.

At said election those who are in favor of issuing said bonds and levying the said tax to pay the same will vote a ticket upon which shall be written or printed the words, “For Road Bonds,” and those who are opposed shall vote a ticket upon which shall be written or printed, the words, “Against Road Bonds.”

Said election shall be conducted as near as may be in accordance with the laws of North Carolina governing elections, except as modified by section 3697 of Article 5, of Chapter 70 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina.

By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Haywood County, North Carolina. Aug. 10, 1923.

H. Arthur Osborne, Chairman

From page 8 of The Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Aug. 27, 1923

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