
Friday, August 25, 2023

Why Youths Lose Their First Jobs, Aug. 25, 1923

Gives Five Reasons for Youths Losing First Job

By the Associated Press

Chicago, Aug. 25—Lack of a sense of responsibility, unwillingness to work hard, lack of thoroughness, false notions about salary and promotion, and lack of principle are the five chief reasons why 90 percent of the boys and girls of the United States lose their first jobs, according to a report made by the Chicaog Association of Commerce by A.D. White, statistician of Swift and Company.

Mr. White’s report noted that 90 percent of the boys and girls lose their first positions. The report also shows that in nine out of every ten, the loss of the position can be traced to one of the five reasons noted. His report continues:

“Lack of a sense of responsibility is shown by neglect of work, failure to put the most important things first, and the expression of a general ‘I should worry’ attitude.

“Unwillingness to work hard is shown by being late to work, stretching the lunch hour, and stealing a few minutes at the end of the day, watching the clock, and wasting time by social conversations and telephone calls during business hours.

“Lack of thoroughness is indicated most frequently by unwillingness to begin at the bottom and to go through the drudgery of mastering each step before going ahead.

“The real secret of promotion lies in constantly doing more than you are paid to do. Keep yourself underpaid. As soon as you are overpaid you are bound to go backward.

“Lack of principle is shown by concealment of mistakes, untruthfulness, and the constant making of excuses.”

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Aug. 25, 1923

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