
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Willis Bateman to be Tried for Assaulting Frank Albertson Sr., Aug. 17, 1923

Bateman Held Under $500 Bond for Assault. . . Perquimans County Man to be Tried in Superior Court for Grave Offense

Willis Bateman, Perquimans County man, is being held under bond of $500 for his appearance in the September Term of Superior Court, for assault with intent to kill on the person of Frank Albertson Sr., 55-year-old farmer of this county. The case was heard in Recorders Court here yesterday.

The assault occurred on the farm of Mr. Albertson on Simpsons Ditch Road near this city on the morning of July 19. The victim suffered a broken ankle and sustained severe cuts and bruises about the face and body, following which he was confined to his home in this city, and was not able to appear in court until Thursday morning.

Willis Bateman, defendant, is 37 years old and has a wife and nine children living in Woodville, Perquimans County. He testified in court that he had been accused of operating a still and selling liquor. His reputation weighed heavily against him in the trial.

The row began, according to Bateman, over a remark attributed to Mr. Albertson that Bateman had stolen two of his hogs. Bateman claims that he was told of Mr. Albertson’s accusations by a grass widow with four children who then lived in a house on Mr. Albertson’s farm. The woman is 34 years old and her name is Mrs. Maggie Walston. Evidence showed that Bateman had been neglecting his own family, and had been spending much time with the Walston woman. The state tried to show that Bateman was hiding in the house and heard Mr. Albertson accuse him of stealing the hogs.

Anyway on the morning of July 19 Bateman and Albertson met on the farm and the row came up. Mr. Albertson claims that Bateman was reaching for a club, with which to strike him, and that he struck Bateman first with the pitchfork he had in his hand. He says he had the pitchfork to stack up some hay. Bateman claims that Albertson struck first, that he used no club at all and beat him up with his bare hands in self-defense.

Bateman also paid a fine of $50 and costs in police court yesterday ?? for the subsequent offense of driving a car while under the influence of liquor.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Aug. 17, 1923

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