
Thursday, September 28, 2023

C.E. Gray Renewing Land with Clover, Sept. 27, 1923

C.E. Gray Raising Burr Clover and Pasturage

C.E. Gray, a farmer of Polk county, is becoming a burr clover enthusiast, according to County Agent Sams. Sometime ago Mr. Gray planted a small lot of burr clover and from this patch he is scattering the clover over his farm, in some instances hauling the top soil containing the burrs with their seeds and spreading it over the poor cotton fields and noncrop-producing lands.

Mr. Gray is also clearing up portions of his land that have been burr covered, and is sowing grass seeds on some of his over-flow bottom land, thus turning waste places into valuable pasturage.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Sept. 27, 1923

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