
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

New Bernian Local Briefs, Sept. 26, 1923

Local Briefs

Probably never before has Cedar Grove cemetery been in better condition that it is at the present time and visitors, as well as New Bern citizens who have visited the place recently, have remarked on the fact that it is one of the best kept “cities of the dead” they have ever seen. Mr. Helen Huff, sexton, is responsible for the condition of Cedar Grove.


Building is in progress on almost every hand in New Bern and the advent of the Fall has by no means seen a let-up in activities in this line. In the western and northwestern sections of the city the majority of building operations can be found. However, not all such activity in this line is seen there as there is much to be found right in the business section of the city.


While circus men who were here with Christy’s circus several days ago stated that John Robinson’s big show was to visit New Bern next month, no official announcement to this effect has been received thus far. Robinson’s circus is billed to appear at Raleigh on October 10th and at Goldsboro three days later but no date for New Bern has yet been announced.


It might interest New Bernian leaders to know that today, according to astronomical calculation, will see the hours of daylight and those of darkness exactly equal. September 22 is the date on which this is supposed to occur but this year such calculations are incorrect. After today the days will grow shorter and the nights longer.


Mr. E.L. Whittaker, manager of the Wilmington division for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, arrived in the city last evening for a short business visit. This is Mr. Whittaker’s first trip to New Bern and he stated last night that he was mot favorably impressed with the city and its possibilities.


The front of the Dunn Clothing company’s store on Pollock street is being considerably improved by the addition of a new coat of paint. Improvements to the interior are also being made.


Mr. Harry E. Barlow, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, has purchased a new Ford coupe and is now enjoying New Bern’s paved streets and Craven county’s good roads.


Despite the fact that the weather ha snot been inducive to purchasing stoves and heaters for the purpose of winter comfort, the Turner-Tolson Furniture company reports heavy sales on the famous Cole heaters which they are distributing in this section.


The forces of workmen who have been engaged in rebuilding the county bridge over Trent river for the past few months are now nearing the completion of their work. This structure, when the work has been finished, will be one of the most modern wooden bridges in the state.


Circle No. 1 Jane K. Meadows Auxiliary will hold a regular meeting at the residence of Mrs. Jacob Chadwick, Spencer Avenue, Khent, at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, Sept. 26th. A full attendance is requested.

From page 5 of The New Bernian, Sept. 26, 1923

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