
Monday, September 25, 2023

Doomis Little Found Money, Sept. 25, 1923

Has Found Old Purse Full of Good Money

By Bruce Long

Brief, September 24—After staying quiet for several weeks, I will try and “come back” with a few items. I hope all the other correspondents that have been idle for quite a while will “come back,” too. Indian Trail, Matthews, and Stouts, come on and let’s keep things going.

Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Biggers and little daughter Emily Howard of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting Mr. Biggers’ mother, Mrs. T.K. Biggers.

Mr. Conly Brooks of Camden, N.J. was a visitor here last week. Mr. Brooks left this place 11 years ago, and this was his first trip back to his old home. He made the trip in an automobile, and said the roads were fine. “North Carolina roads are as good as any I passed over,” he said.

Mr. Orion Long left last week for Trinity College.

Mrs. J.C.W. Hartette and duaggters, Misses MaeWattie Lee, and Jimmie B. of Unionville, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. F.K. Biggers.

Mr. J.W.B. Long and little daughter, Mary Dell of Concord, spent the week-end here with Mr. Long’s brother, Mr. G.A. Long.

Miss Alice Hartsell spent the past week with relatives at Mt. Pleasant.

Mr. Webb Clontz of Concord spent the week-end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Clontz.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Page and children of Concord spent the week-end here with Mr. Page’s brother, Mr. Lee Page.

Mr. Roy M. Long of Concord spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Long.

Georgie, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hartsell, has been right sick for the last few days.

Mr. Paul Barrier of Mt. Pleasant was a brief visitor Saturday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Almond September 24th, a son.

Mr. Will Shoe of Harrisburg spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. George Shoe.

While cleaning out an old out building several days ago, Mr. Doomus Little, who lives on the Wm. Biggers place, found a purse containing a large sum of money. This purse, he says, has been there several years from its looks. He says that if anyone can describe it and its contents, he will gladly turn it over to them.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Sept. 25, 1923 -=-

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