
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Fire Destroys W.M. Sanders' Old Cotton Gin Plant, Sept. 18, 1923

Fire Burns an Old Cotton Gin Plant. . . Building and Hay Stores in the House Total Loss; Belonged to Mr. W.M. Sanders

About 8:15 o’clock Saturday evening the fire siren sounded and all of Smithfield poured themselves into the streets and hurried toward the brilliant glow which colored the sky over the business section of town. Going from distant parts of town, it looked as if some of the business houses might be on fire, and it was not until Market street was reached that the anxious men and women and children could definitely locate the blaze. Arriving on Market street, however, it was apparent at once that the old Sanders Gin house at the end of Market street on the river was rapidly being consumed. It was said to have been discovered first by some boys coming to town, who saw it when between the Highland and River bridges. According to their report, the blaze started under the house. Neighbors saw it also about the same time and the alarm was given. More than half a carload of hay was stored in the building which had not been used as a gin for a number of years. The building and hay were a total loss, there being no insurance. The loss is estimated at $500.

It is hardly probable that the house, which belonged to Mr. W.M. Sanders, will be rebuilt for it was only used as a storage house. Then, too, in all probability the highway will be located so that the new river bridge will be located at the end of Market street.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1923

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