
Saturday, September 23, 2023

Goldsboro Moves From Most unsanitary Milk Conditions to Perfect Record, Sept. 23, 1923

City Milk Supply Rated Sanitary

Every dairy cow in Wayne county has been given the tubercular test, according to Dr. A.H. Kerr of the health department. The local department, cooperating with the state department of health a few weeks ago, closed a campaign which secured a 100 per cent record for Wayne in this respect.

Five years ago, Dr. Kerr states, Goldsboro was regarded by the state health officials as having the most unsanitary milk conditions of any large town in the state. Such has been the improvement under the supervision of the health department in the past months that the city is given a rating with the high record cities of the State.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Sept. 23, 1923

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