
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Heavy Sentences Including 30 Years for James Lindsay, Sept. 30, 1923

Heavy Terms by Guilford Court. . . Total of 95 Years Sentences Imposed

By the Associated Press

Greensboro, N.C., Sept. 29—State prison sentences aggregating 95 years, this including the minimum of indeterminate sentences, were imposed by Judge Thomas J. Shaw, resident judge of the 12th judiciary district, during the two week term of Guilford Superior court ending today. The maximum sentence, 30 years, went to James Lindsay, High Point negro, who was convicted of saturing his wife’s clothing with oil and then setting fire to her.

Ten persons have entered the state prison as a result of the court term, three of them white men. They are Willlie Moorefiled, Paul Pinnix and Ed Motley, all of Danville, Va., sentenced to 10 years each for robbery of a department store here.

Two negroes, who broke into a High Point bank, William McIvey and Berty Saunders, received seven years each.

Others convicted and their sentences were: William Brewer, second degree murder, 5 to 15 years; Will Williams, forgery, 4 years; Pete Gray, second degree murder, 10 to 20 years; Willie Williams, negress, forgery, 2 years.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Sept. 30, 1923

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