
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

J.R. Sams, County Agent, Starting 50-Acre Experimental Farm, Sept. 27, 1923

Experiment Farm to be Conducted by Agent

J.R. Sams, county agent, purchased 50 acres of land, 25 of bottom land and an equal amount of hill side on White Oak river last Spring which he will use as a small experimental farm to be conducted for those farmers of the county who may be interested in knowing what can be done with certain kinds of land.

The farm is to be known as White Oak Farm and is situated on White Oak river between Sandy Plaines and Cox School, opposite the home of Joe Camp.

At its present time the land is mostly waste, but it is planned to clear it at a small cost and plant at once.

The farmers of the county are invited to visit the farm and make criticism or offer suggestions.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Sept. 27, 1923

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