
Thursday, September 28, 2023

J.R. Sams Urges Everyone to Attend Polk County Fair, Sept. 27, 1923

J.R. Sams Urges All to Attend County Fair. . . Suggests All Business Houses Close for Fair Day

With but two more short weeks before the Greater Polk County Community Fair, J.R. Sams, County Agent, urges every citizen of the county to make an effort to make the fair this year the largest in the history of Polk County. Present indications point toward this being the best fair in some years. Mr. Sams stated that farmers throughout the county are making ready their exhibits and are evincing much interest.

“There is nothing that can create a better cooperative spirit in this county,” stated Mr. Sams, “than in gathering together for friendly intercourse and competition of the citizens on Fair Day.

“We are particularly desirous this year that the business men and farmers close their doors for the day of the Fair and attend. Our bankers want the patronage of our county people as do the merchants. Our farmers are interested in marketing with the nearest business houses. Let us all join forces on Fair Day and arrange to be at the Fair whether with an exhibit or not.”

“I especially urge the school children of the county to make every effort to have some sort of an exhibit. The applies in particular to the club boys and girls, who are expected to make the best showing possible.”

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Sept. 27, 1923. The “club boys and girls” were the forerunners of today’s 4-H Club members.

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