
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Judge Horton Rules Ed Brown, D.F. Dixon and Andrew Turner Free to Sell Tobacco, Sept. 18, 1923

Judge Horton Rules Tenants Not Bound

Greenville, Sept. 16—The Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association lost three cases in the Superior court when Judge J. Lloyd Horton signed a judgment dissolving the temporary restraining orders against Ed. Brown, D.F. Dixon and Andrew Turner. This means the tenants can sell their tobacco on the auction market without penalties against the landlords.

The court held that the association had no control over tenant crops when the tenant did not belong to the organization, and when the landlord pooled his crop with the association no right existed to collect five cents a pound liquidated damages from tenants.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1923

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