
Friday, September 29, 2023

Kenneth Padgett, 18, Jailed for Death of His Father, Sept. 29, 1923

Padgett Is Jailed for Death (of) Father. . . 18-Year-Old Son Held Without Bail—No Friction Existed

By the Associated Press

Winston-Salem, N.C., Sept. 28—Kenneth Padgett, 18, was lodged in Davidson county jail this afternoon in connection with the killing of his father, William R. Padgett, at Arcadia, who was found dead on the floor of a bed room in his home early yesterday. Three wounds about the head, suggesting foul play with a blunt instrument, were held by the coroner’s jury as the cause of his death. The jury ordered Kenneth Padgett, 18-year-old so of the dead man, held.

The evidence taken at the inquest, upon which young Padgett is being held, has not been given out. There was no knowledge of friction between the father and his son, according to reports. The two men had been working together as carpenters for some time; only the day before, it was stated, they had begun working for a furniture concern in Winston-Salem, making the trips to and from Winston-Salem in an automobile purchased for the purpose.

The dead man was discovered by his eldest son, Kenneth, Padgett lying in a room adjoining the bed room occupied by them. He was fully dressed, save for his left shoe. Padgett is survived by three sons, one of whom is an epileptic, and all of whom lived with him, and by one daughter.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, September 29, 1923

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