
Friday, September 29, 2023

Lilley and Peel Opening Texaco Filling Station, Sept. 29, 1923

Texaco Filling Station Will Be Completed Soon. . . Simon Lilley and S. Collin Peel Have Leased the Service Station

The Texaco Filling station will soon be completed. The 10,000 gallon storage tank is already buried, and they are preparing to build the building at once. When this is completed, it will be one of the most up-to-date filling stations in this part of the State. The Harrison Oil company will see that everything possible is done to make it attractive and as convenient to the public as possible.

Mr. Simon Lilley and Mr. S. Collin Peel have leased this filling station and will operate it themselves.

They expect to give both day and night service. We do not believe that the Harrison Oil company could have leased the station to two better boys than Simon and Collin. They hope to have the station ready and in full operation by October 25th. These boys will give the public the best service and treatment in every way that they possibly can and that anyone can expect at an up-to-date Texaco filling station.

They know they have the best location in town—at the depot; they know that they cannot get better oils and gasoline; and they know that when the filling station is completed it will be second to none in eastern North Carolina—because that is the way the Harrisons do things.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Saturday, Sept. 29, 1923

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