
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Lt. Charles Meyers Breaks Record, Reaches 16,200 Feet, Sept. 30, 1923

New Height Record Made by Lieut. Myers

By the Associated Press

Winston-Salem, N.C., Sept. 29—Climbing to an altitude of 16,200 feet, Lieutenant Charles Meyers, formerly of the Royal Flying corps, established what is believed to be a new altitude record for the state with a passenger carrying plane here yesterday. He used an Avro, English built plane equipped with a L.E. Rhone motor. He was in the air one hour and eight minutes.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Sept. 30, 1923. The headline spelled his last name Myers, while the article spelled it Meyers. I believe this is an article about Charles W. Meyers, 1898-1972. For information about him, see (accessed Sept. 29, 2023).

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