
Friday, September 29, 2023

Mrs. Buckner, State Secretary of Philatheas, To Speak at Baptist Church, Sept. 29, 1923

State Secretary of Philatheas to be Here Sunday. . . Will Make Address at Baptist Church on Sunday Night

The local Baraca and Philathea classes of the Memorial Baptist church will have the honor of entertaining their state secretary, Mrs. N. Buckner of Asheville, Sunday and Monday.

On Sunday night at the usual service hour at the Baptist church Mrs. Buckner will address the people of Williamston on the Baraca-Philathea cause. She being familiar with he work from years of experience, will give information on the work Sunday night that numbers of Williamstonians interested in the work will do well to hear.

Mrs. Buckner has been personally connected with the Baraca-Philathea work being carried on at Oteen hospital, where numbers of our soldier boys who fought the good fight overseas and were wounded, are now receiving treatment, and she will very likely tell us what the Baracas and Philatheas are accomplishing at this hospital, relieving the suffering of our boys who gave themselves that we might live in peace and at liberty.

The least that can be expected on this occasion of Mrs. Buckner’s visit to Williamston will be some good addresses, full of interest and information, and addresses that will entertain as well.

Mrs. Buckner will remain here over Monday in the interest of the Baraca-Philathea work and will make another address Monday evening, and those other than the members of these classes can doubtless spend their time during these addresses any more profitably than by hearing Mrs. Buckner Sunday and Monday.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Saturday, Sept. 29, 1923

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