
Monday, September 4, 2023

Mrs. Smith Dies Suddenly Sitting on the Porch, Sept. 4, 1923

Mrs. J.H. Smith Dies Suddenly

Saturday just as the evening shadows were falling, the gentle spirit of Mrs. James H. Smith of Elevation township departed this life and her soul went to the Great Beyond. The end came suddenly while she was sitting on the porch with her daughter, Miss Emily Smith. She went silently and before anyone could be summoned to her side. She had been in feeble health for several years, and only last Wednesday has suffered an attack of acute indigestion, but she had improved and seemed to be as well as usual on the day of her death, which came as a shock to her many friends throughout the county and elsewhere.

Mrs. Smith was more than 74 years old. She had long been a consistent and faithful member of the Elizabeth Methodist church. Her spiritual life was rich and full, and in her daily living was realized the finest type of Christian character. Being of a kindly disposition, she was patient and gentle with everybody. Her strength of character was revealed in the way in which she obeyed the dictates of her conscience, striving daily to show herself “approved upon God, a workman that needeth not to be shamed.”

Her home was noted for its genuine old southern hospitality. Her doors were ever open to her friends or to any who were in need. Ministers of all denominations have always received a warm welcome in that home when working in or passing through the community.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. J.A. Russell of Four Oaks, assisted by Rev. J.R. Woods, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Smithfield, and she was tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery at Oakland church by the side of her husband who preceded her almost 10 years ago. The grave was covered with beautiful flowers.

She is survived by one daughter, Miss Emily Smith; four sons, Messrs. W.S., Robert, John A., and Henry T. Smith; one sister, Mrs. A.M. Sanders, of this city; and three brothers, Messrs. W.H., R.A., and C.L. Sanders, all of near town.

The family has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in this sad hour of bereavement.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, September 4, 1923

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