
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Phillips Family Reunion and Birthday Celebration, Sept. 14, 1923

A Family Reunion

On Wednesday, August 29, the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Phillips met at their home to celebrate the 70th birthday of Mrs. Phillips. On account of not having enough room in the yard for the children to play, we decided to move it to the home of one of the children, Mrs. W.F. House, who lives near them. There we had plenty of room and a good cool shade for all.

All the children were present except one, Mrs. Esther Starling. The morning was spent in lively conversation. Dinner was served about 1 o’clock in the cool shade of the yard, and everything good to eat imaginable was there from turkey down to rice, okra and corn bread. The rest of the day was spent in drinking lemonade, singing, after which we had prayer by Mr. G.D. Phillips and Rev. Jesse Crocker. The crowd began to leave about 5 o’clock, wishing Mrs. Phillips many more happy birthdays. While she is 70 years old and Mr. Phillips 74, they are both very spry and can do more work now than some do at 45 or 50.

They have 10 living children, 41 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

A good record, but who can beat this? The four children of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Thompson have nine living grandparents. They are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Phillips, parents of Mrs. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. London Thompson, parents of Mr. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Phillips, grandparents of Mrs. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Thompson, grandparents of Mr. Thompson; and Mrs. Polly Ann Daughtry, grandmother of Mrs. Thjompson.

Those present for the reunion were: Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Phillips and six children; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Thompson and four children; Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Phillips and three children; Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Phillips and four children; Mr. M.D. Phillips and four children; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Phillips and three children; Rev. and Mrs. Jesse Crocker; Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Robbins and five children; Mr. and Mrs. W.F. House and five children; Miss Lillian Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Junius Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pittman.

One Present, Pine Level, Route 1, Sept. 14

From page 3 of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1923

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