
Friday, September 15, 2023

Tri-City Daily Gazette, Sept. 15, 1923

Dempsey Wins Battle. . . After Short, Vicious Attack on Firpo, Dempsey Retains His Heavyweight Laurels

New York, Sept. 15 (AP)—Jack Dempsey still holds undisputed sway as heavyweight champion of the world but only after the crown he has worn for the past four years had come perilously close to being toppled from his scowling brow. The champion stands out as a mighty figure than every before as a ?? of his smashing, dramatic knockout of Firpo in the second round of the match that for the savage ?? attack had no parallel in pugilistic history but only the masterpiece generalship plus inexperience of the Argentine giant saved ?? from defeat toward the close of the first round when Firpo rose from the fifth knock down to drive the champion through the ropes with terrific right to the jaw, Dempsey ?? himself dazed, his knees quivering, but then just as the challenger had the championship almost within his grasp the champion generalship ?? instinctive defense saved him ?? Clinched and the bell ended the round. Master of the situation once ?? Dempsey battered his opponent. ?? the second round flooring him twice before a short right uppercut to the jaw brought his foe down for the ??th and last time, 57 seconds after the start of the round.

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