
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Two Grades Will Be Taught at Grace Episcopal Church Parish House, Sept. 3, 1923

Parish House to House Two Grades

August 31, 1923

Prof. E.J. Robeson, Supt.

Waynesville Public Schools

Waynesville, N.C.

Dear Prof. Robeson:

Your letter of the 29th inst. Received yesterday, and the Rector called a special meeting of the Vestry to consider the proposal made therein. I am glad to inform you that by a unanimous vote, it was decided to allow the Board of Education to use our Parish House for the coming school year, in which to hold classes of the first two grades. In this connection I wish to say that the officers and members of the Episcopal Church are in hearty sympathy with all worthy and uplifting movements. Therefore, the congregation of Grace Church welcomes the opportunity to serve the community in this particular instance.

In order that there may be no misunderstanding in the future, the Rector and Vestry have made the following restrictions in connection with the use of the Parish House. I feel certain that none of them will be found in the least degree burdensome:

1st. The lights and water for the Parish House and church to be paid for by the Board of Education so long as the Parish House is used for school purposes. As it is impossible to divide the two bills, it seems fair and equitable that the Board of Education assume this obligation.

2nd. The fuel for the Parish House to be furnished by the Board of Education. The Sunday school which lasts one hour only is the only regular service held by the church in the Parish House.

3rd. The Board of Education shall furnish their own janitor, and it shall be part of his duties to arrange the seats in the main auditorium each Saturday in order that Sunday school may be conveniently conducted.

4th. Inasmuch as Ash Wednesday (March 5th, 1924) and Good Friday (April 18, 1924) are days upon which two of the most solemn services of the Episcopal Church are held, it is to be mutually understood that no school will be conducted in the Parish House on those two days.

5th. The church yard shall under no consideration be used as a play ground, but the vacant lot north of the Parish House is to be used for that purpose. 6th. The property is to be returned in as good order as when received by the Board of Education.

7th. The rental for the said Parish House during the coming school year shall be NOTHING.

Trusting that these restrictions will prove entirely agreeable, and with all good wishes for a successful and happy school year, I am,

Yours very sincerely,


Secretary of the Vestry,

Grace Episcopal Church

From the front page of The Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Monday, Sept. 3, 1923

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