
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

War on Makers of Rum Quiets, But Isn't Over, Sept. 26, 1923

War on Makers of Rum Quiets Down After Activities. . . Rumored That Climax of Officers’ Efforts Is Yet to Come

Back in the city yesterday after a professional visit in Pitt county, Solicitor Jesse H. Davis, who a few nights ago engineered one of the most daring and most successful “moonshine raids” in the history of Craven county and in which 84 gallons of whiskey and two automobiles, along with john Godette, negro, and a notorious character were the net results of the haul, stated that he had nothing further to give out regarding activities in the war on the moonshiners just at that time.

That Solicitor Davis has “an ace up his sleeve” and that the most sensational part of this “war” is yet to come has been intimated. Just when the blow will fall or upon whom, is a matter of conjecture.

Needless to say that the activities of Solicitor Davis and of Federal officers and the city police against the moonshiners and the bootleggers is attracting state-wide interest. News stories of the campaign which is being waged in Craven county have been published in every paper in the state and the eyes of all are turned this way to see what will be the next development.

One liquor car came near to being overhauled in New Bern last night but managed to get away. A close watch is being kept on all avenues traveled by the bootleggers and moonshiners and additional arrests and confiscation of cars are expected momentarily.

From the front page of The New Bernian, Sept. 26, 1923

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