
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

W.B. Sinclair Establishing Fruit Tree Nursery in Henderson County, Sept. 27, 1923

Nursery for Henderson County

W.B. Sinclair, an experienced nurseryman from Georgia, has started an extensive nursery near Hendersonville.

After two years establishment on a small scale, Mr. Sinclair discovered that in the mountains of Western North Carolina the finest fruit trees can be grown and he has demonstrated the general superiority of the trees as taken from the trench over trees shipped from great distances where the roots dry up and the tree to a certain extent becomes shriveled. He states that this is a great shock to the young tree and when this can be avoided it is much preferable to get the trees nearer home.

Mr. Sinclair has some 30,000 to 40,000 of the best varieties of trees ready for shipment this fall and spring and expects to double the capacity of his nurseries each year. He has fine peach trees, as well as apple, and is also growing grapes and shrubbery. He believes there is more money in the right kind of fruit than any thing the farmer can produce and is backing up his judgment by establishing his nursery in this section.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Sept. 27, 1923

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