
Saturday, September 23, 2023

W.C. Grady, Gib Shaw, Jim Smith Arrested for Possession of Liquor, Sept. 23, 1923

Wine and Liquor Seized Saturday. . . Nearly Eight Gallons of Contraband Fluid Seized—Three Men Arrested

W.C. Grady, Gib Shaw, and Jim Smith, three white men, were arrested yesterday by officers following a series of raids conducted at various sections of the city that netted around eight gallons of intoxicating liquors. The men were registered on the blotter at police headquarters and later released on bonds ranging from $100 to $200.

Among the containers containing the contraband fluids was one that held four gallons of wine. This was unearthed at the home of W.c. Grady on Peabody street. At the same place two gallons of whiskey were found.

Gib Shaw was arrested following the seizure of one gallon of whiskey at his home on East Main street.

The third man arrested with Jim Smith of Seminary street. On his premises, it is stated, four pints of whiskey were discovered.

From page 11 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 23, 1923

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