
Saturday, September 23, 2023

William Utley, Thomas Goodrich, Joseph Smith Have Died, Sept. 23, 1923

William Utley Is Dead at Home Here. . . Aged Resident Was in 80th Year—Burial This Afternoon

William M. Utley, aged and respected citizen, died Saturday morning at his home 232 Mulberry street in the 80th year of his life.

Surviving are five daughters: Mrs. Sallie Carpenter, Holley Springs; Mrs. Ida McIntosh, Vass; Mrs. Odie Keen, Sanford; Mrs. Lula Holt, Raleigh; Mrs. Lessie Agree; and two sons: A.W. Utley and C.T. Utley of West Durham. There are two sisters: Miss Lida Utley and Mrs. Adaline Johnson of Littleton.

The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o’clock, after which interment will be made in Utley cemetery, Chatham county.


Funeral Today for Thomas W. Goodrich

Funeral services for T.W. Goodrich, 48, salesman for the Pope Mattress company, who died Friday afternoon shortly before 6 o’clock while riding in the front seat of an automobile truck on West main street near the post office, will be held today at the home, 614 Arnett avenue, with Rev. S.S. Bost officiating. After the services here, the body will be taken to Henderson for burial.

Pall bearers will be: J.A. Faucette, L.M. Alen, W. Hodges, O.D. Kirkland, L.A. Smith and M.B. Pope.


Joseph Smith Dies (of) Apoplexy (in) Winston

Winston-Salem, Sept. 22—Joseph H. Smith, 75, of Vass, Moore county, who assisted in establishing the boundary lines when Camp Bragg was located near Fayetteville, died Friday night at the home of E.L. Anderson, just south of the city, after a few hours’ illness with apoplexy. Mr. Smith came here the first of the week to testify in a law case being tried in the superior court. The remains were sent to Vass today for interment.

From page 11 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 23, 1923

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