
Monday, October 23, 2023

Charlotte Football Team May Cancel Remaining Games Out of Respect for Winston-Salem Player Killed Saturday, Oct. 23, 1923

Respect Memory of Leo Caldwell

By The Associated Press

Charlotte, Oct. 22—Indications were tonight that the Charlotte high school team would cancel its remaining 1923 football schedule out of respect for the memory of Leo Caldwell, Winston-Salem high school player killed last Saturday while playing in a game against the local team. Caldwell was declared to have been exceptionally popular for an oppo9nent with the Charlotte boys.

Headed by Coach Kirkpatrick, 35 students, representing every organization in the local high school, drove to Winston-Salem in automobiles to attend the funeral services of young Caldwell today. They carried three automobile loads of floral tributes.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Oct. 23, 1923

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