
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Crowd Protests Store Manager's Treatment of 8-Year-Old Alleged Thief, Oct. 28, 1923

Raleigh Has Small Riot When Store Manager Mistreats Boy

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., Oct. 27—C.J. Jarvis, manager of the local branch of a chain store, tonight was escorted to the police station under guard of a detachment of policemen and later taken to his home, after a crowd of men had besieged him in his store for three hours following his alleged rough handling of an 8-year-old boy who he claimed had stolen goods from the store.

The crowd formed shortly after the child had been turned over to police authorities by Jarvis. Jarvis was arrested and released until next Tuesday to answer to charges of striking and mistreating the child, and, according to the police, he admitted striking the child.

Jarvis returned to his store and immediately a number of men who had followed him when he carried the boy to the police station, assembled outside the store. Members of the crowd, which steadily increased and soon numbered about 200 men, went to the back entrance of the establishment and barricaded it against Jarvis’ escape in that direction, several remaining on guard. The police attempted to disperse the assemblage but without avail, and it was not until the police arrived on the scene shortly before midnight and escorted Jarvis to the station house that the crowd moved from in front of the store and then it gathered in the street outside the police station.

Shortly thereafter policemen escorted the man to his residence and the crowd dispersed.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Oct. 28, 1923

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