
Monday, October 30, 2023

Delma Brown Hurt in Football Game with Wilmington HS, Oct. 30, 1923

Delma Brown Is Hurt in Game. . . Local High School Football Team Ties the Wilmington Team in a Score of 7-7

The Smithfield High School football team tied Wilmington High School team in a game Saturday afternoon on the Wilmington gridiron, the score being 7-7.

The game, which was a splendid showing for the local team, was marred by the injury of Delma Brown, half back, which was thought at first to be very serious. His opponent “kneed” him in the abdomen, disabling him from continuing in the game, and when a few minutes after the accident he became unconscious, he was rushed to a hospital. A message was sent to his father, Mr. Lawrence Brown, who left immediately for Wilmington. Examination showed that his liver was bruised but he was able to return home Sunday night and it is expected that after a few days he will be out again. Coach Rice remained with Brown and accompanied him home with his father.

The football game went on, the players not realizing the extent of Brown’s injuries and badly battered and crippled, but game to the core and fighting like organized tigers came from behind in the last 10 minutes of play and tied the strong Wilmington team with a touchdown followed by Skinner’s nervy place kick.

Parker, regular fullback for Smithfield, missed the train, Brown was knocked out early in the second quarter, and tackle Ed Fuller suffered a knee injury that put him out of the game. Considering these facts, the home boys made an excellent showing.

The game was featured by Smithfield’s fighting spirit, Captain Honeycutt’s steady work and the wonderful backfield playing of Holland. Skinner gave a good exhibition of high class football, and Linwood Peterson showed class for a beginner.

Coney played good football for Wilmington, and their short passes were exceptionally good.

The Smithfield line-up is as follows:

Fuller, H—Center

Beasley--Right guard

Peterson, A.—Left guard

Patrick—Right tackle

Fuller, E.—Left tackle

Honeycutt, T. (Capt.)—Right end

Hooks—Left end

Brown—Full back

Holland—Left half back

Kirkman—Right halfback

Skinner—Quarter back

Substitutes for Smithfield: Utley for A. Peterson; L. Peterson for Utley; Utley for E. Fuller; Warton for Brown.

Time of quarters: 13-13-13-13

Score by quarters.

Smithfield: 0-0-0-7—7

Wilmington: 0-7-0-0—7

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1923

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