
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

J.M. McIver, Lonnie Sanders, Capt. Joe Ritter Have Died, Oct. 18, 1923

Death of Mr. McIver

Carolina Banner

Gulf, Oct. 10—The town and community was greatly shocked to hear of the death of J.M. McIver of Gulf, who died at 3 o’clock this morning in a Charlotte sanatorium where he had gone for treatment.

Mr. McIver was a prominent merchant, farmer and flour mill man of this place for over 50 years. He was nearing his 85th birthday. He was a brother of the Gulf Presbyterian Church since its organization and superintendent of Sunday School for over 40 years.

He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Lois Anderson of Clinton; six children, three sons and three daughters, namely, E.G. McIver, West Durham; Dr. M.A. McIver, Boston, Mass.; J.M. McIver, Gulf; Miss Estelle McIver, Gulf; Mrs. E.E. Gillespie, York, S.C., Miss Margaret N. McIver of Fayetteville.


Lonnie Sanders Killed

Mr. Lonnie Sanders of Hemp, who was driving presumablyh at a rapid rate on the Raleigh-Charlotte highway Saturday evening near Calvary garage about five miles from Carthage, turned his car over and was badly hurt, sustaining a fractured skull and numerous body bruises. He was rushed to the McConnell Hospital where he died Sunday morning.


Capt. Ritter Seriously Injured

Capt. Joe Ritter, Conductor on the R. & C. Railway, was seriously injured yesterday morning at Cameron when a negro by the name of Ken Shepard struck him over the head with a piece of iron while in an argument about orders Capt. Ritter is said to have given Shephard regarding some work being done on an engine there.

Capt. Ritter was carried to a hospital in Sanford where it was found necessary to operate, while the negro was brought to Carthage and placed in jail without bond pending the outcome of Capt. Ritter’s illness.

Later: Capt Ritter died Tuesday afternoon at 6 o’clock.

From page 4 of the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., Oct. 18, 1923

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