
Monday, October 23, 2023

Joe Roberts Kills Ham Slaughter, Oct. 23, 1923

Ham Slaughter Is Instantly Killed. . . A Shot Gun in the Hands of Joe Roberts Slaughtered Him

Oxford, Oct. 22—Ham Slaughter, 45, colored, was shot and instantly killed Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock about two miles north of Oxford on the Kinton Fort road, by Joe Roberts, also colored. According to information, Slaughter and Roberts had been quarreling over a girl—some little time before the shooting took place. Roberts met Slaughter in the road and ordered him to stop, which Slaughter did, and when Slaughter alighted from the car, Roberts raised his gun and shot three times, but only one shot took effect in the neck and right temple.

A coroner’s inquest was held this morning by W.D. Bryan, county coroner. The jury’s verdict was that Slaughter came to his death from a wound inflicted by a load of buck shot from a gun in the hands of Joe Roberts.

Roberts had not been apprehended late this afternoon. He seems to have made good his get-away.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Oct. 23, 1923

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