
Monday, October 23, 2023

John Goss Sentenced to Electric Chair, Oct. 23, 1923

John Goss, Spruce Pine Negro Convicted—Sentenced to be Executed Nov. 30th

By The Associated Press

Johnson City, Tenn., Oct 22—Information received here from Bakersville, N.C., is that John Goss, a negro tried for an attack upon Mrs. Mack Thomas, a white woman at Spruce Pine late in September, was found guilty and was immediately sentenced to death in the electric chair, Judge Finley fixing the date of his execution as November 30th. The jury deliberated only five minutes before rendering the verdict.

The alleged culminated in the deportation in truck sand box cars of over 200 negroes in the Spruce Pine section, the calling of troops to that town and the arrest of 11 men who were charged with conspiracy and rioting.

The court room was packed, numbering among those present many persons from the Spruce Pine section.

Judge Finley appointed F.J. Black, local attorney, to defend Goss. The negro was brought from Raleigh to the Mitchell county jail here yesterday for trial today. He was escorted by a company of national guardsmen from North Wilkesboro commanded by Major E.P. Robinson.

The county jail was closely guarded during the night but no attempt was made to interfere with the guards. Inf act little interest is evinced in the presence of the negro and the guardsmen here.

It is believed here that the trial of the negro will be brief. Goss soon after his arrest near Morganton admitted his identity and he escaped from the convict camp at Spruce Pine. He denied the alleged assault upon the white woman.

The woman, however, after a trip to Raleigh, positively identified Goss as the negro who accosted her near her home on the public road, seized her around the body and dragged her about 40 yards to a thicket of pines and attacked her. She is sure of her man and will testify during the day against Goss.

The trial of 11 persons, including a minister of the Spruce Pine section, on charges of conspiracy in connection with the wholesale deportation of negroes from spruce Pine immediately after the assault will probably start Tuesday afternoon.

The defendants are: Stokes McKinney, Peter Biddix, Jed Ward, Bot Buchanan, John Tripman, B.E. Jackson, Mace McMann, Rev. Moston Buchannan, Ander Green, Lane Buchannan and Robey Buchannan.

From the Spruce Pine section many persons came to Bakersville yesterday to attend court. Others arrived today. No trouble.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Oct. 23, 1923

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