
Friday, October 20, 2023

John Hayden Beats Wife, Charged with Hanging Her Dog, Oct. 20, 1923

Get After Wife Beater for Hanging Terrier. . . Animal Tried to Defend Terror-Stricken Woman

Chicago, Oct. 20—John Hayden could beat his patient wife within an inch of her life and get away with it because she would not complain, but when he hanged a foxterrier, the Anti-Cruelty Society fund a vulnerable spot in his armor.

Hayden’s cruelty to his wife, according to the neighbors, has been notorious. Monday night he was giving her a terrible beating, it is charged, and her pet foxterrier barked at him as he cursed and mauled the cowering woman.

For this offense, the Anti-Cruelty people charge, Hayden ceased beating his wife long enough to execute the faithful foxterrier, hanging it and gloating as it strangled to death, to the added grief and terror of his bruised wife. Warrants were sworn out for him today and the police are searching for him.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, October 20, 1923

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