
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mammoth Still Seized Near Turner's Mill, Oct. 28, 1923

Mammoth Still Taken in Orange. . . Three Shots Warn Blockaders of Approach of Officers—Malt Seized

An illicit still of 180 gallons capacity, 30 gallons of whiskey, and many gallons of beer were seized Friday evening by Sheriff L.B. Lloyd of Orange county, and Deputies J.W. Conklin and Frank Cole, following a raid in Little River township near Turner’s mill.

Upon receiving information that whiskey was being made in that section, the officers went to the mill and left their car. After going down the river some distance, three gun shots were heard. A trail was discovered that led to one of the largest stills captured in Orange county in many months. Indications were that it had been in operation for some time, but had been abandoned just prior to the arrival of the officers.

The outfit was taken to the courthouse at Hillsboro and was destroyed.

During the past week some 50 bags of malt were seized in the depot by Chief of Police Ed Floyd. The malt was shipped with instructions to turn over to the Orange wholesale company, having been delivered to that company but delivered back to the depot with instructions to return to shipper. The malt was taken to the county jail and warrants issued to parties implicated, this action being advised by the solicitor.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Oct. 28, 1923

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