
Monday, October 30, 2023

M.D. Johnson, Alvin Overbee Have Died, Oct. 30, 1923

Mr. M.D. Johnson Dead

Mr. M.D. Johnson of the Johnston school section, who underwent a serious operation at the hospital here Saturday morning, died about 7 o’clock Saturday night.

Rev. D.H. Tuttle, pastor of the Centenary Methodist church, conducted the funeral services, and he was tenderly laid to rest in the family burying ground near his home. A large crowd of friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect to their neighbor and friend. Mr. Johnson had never united with any church but was a believer in the Primitive Baptist faith. He was an honest, hard working man and a kind neighbor. He had a large circle of friends and will be missed by the entire community. He was about 60 years old.

He is survived by one son, Mr. John L. Johnson, and three daughters, Mrs. William Barbour of Elevation, Mrs. Joe Eason of Sanders Chapel, and Miss Emma Johnson. His wife preceded him to the grave about 10 years ago.

The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends.


Death of Mr. Alvin Overbee

Mr. Alvin Overbee, who lived near Creech’s school, died suddenly Saturday afternoon while coming to Smithfield. He was about 65 years old. The remains were tenderly laid to rest Sunday afternoon in the family burying ground near the home.

Mr. Overbee was a prominent man in his community and will be missed by many friends. He is survived by a wife and several children.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1923

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