
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Moore County News, Page 2, Oct. 18, 1923

You need balance for full power and all the other gasoline qualities. Buy Standard, The Balanced Oil, made in the Carolinas.

Fall Dress Materials, Blankets, Sweaters, Shoes, Butterick Patters—Wilkins-Ricks Co., Sanford, N.C.

Farmers, Try Planters Warehouse in Sanford, N.C., Womble & Puckett, Proprietors

Commissioners Land Sale—By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Moore county, make in a certain civil action or special proceeding therein pending, wherein N.D.J. Clark is plaintiff and W.A. Clark and others are defendants, the undersigned commissioners, appointed for that purpose will offer and sell, at the Court house door, at Carthage. . . to the highest bidder for cash…. Signed R.L. Burns, H.F. Seawell, Commissioners

From page 2 of the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., Oct. 18, 1923

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