
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Oklahoma Governor J.C. Walton Continues Fight Against Klan and Legislature, Oct. 1, 1923

5,000 Guardsmen and Volunteers Called to Colors

Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 1—The entire force of arms of the state will be thrown into the field Tuesday to prevent the holding of a special state election at which measures will be submitted providing a way for the legislature to consider impeachment charges against Governor J.C. Walton and to curb rioting that might result from closing of the polls, it was announced by the governor.

The governor said that mobilization orders for the entire Oklahoma national guard, numbering approximately 5,000 men, had been issued today and that tonight 75,000 volunteer militiamen will be called to designated strategic centers for an emergency. He declined to reveal details of the mobilization plans.

In addition the executive said that he had instructed his special corps of secret service operatives, which he said numbered 22,000 men to assist in keeping the polls closed.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Monday, Oct. 1, 1923. Governor Walton’s efforts would fail and he would be impeached.

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