
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Outstanding Tourist Season Starting in Sandhills, Oct. 26, 1923

A Big Tourist Season for the Sandhills

The Tourist Season in the Sandhills is making a splendid start. During the last six weeks have has been a heavier traffic of tourists through Southern Pines than has ever been seen before and at least a third of them stop; some for a few minutes, some for an hour or two, some over night and some for a day or two in addition to the Tourists who are passing through the Sandhills, there is a steadily increasing number who are stopping in the Sandhills.

The cottages and smaller hotels are steadily filling up. There are more new people coming into Southern Pines this season than ever before in the town’s history. The cottage colony at Pinehurst and at Pinebluff are drifting in earlier in the season than ever before. All this indicates the biggest tourist season that has ever been seen in the Sandhills. Every season more and more people come South to escape the rigors of a Northern Winter and while Southern Pines is only 340 miles south of Washington, D.C., the difference in climate is remarkable. It is truly a land of sunshine with unlimited possibilities to “live in the open” all the year. Southern Pines with its handsome new Club House and additional Golf Course is well fixed to take care of a larger number of visitors than in the past. More good roads have been built in the Sandhills for motoring. Another new hotel “The Lexington” has been built at Pinehurst and everything has been done in the way of planning a full season of sports and entertainment that will give the winter tourist in the Sandhills all that he is looking for.

Editorial page of the Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Oct. 26, 1923

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