
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Paul Rawlins Re-elected President of N.C. Christian Endeavor Union, Oct. 28, 1923

Paul Rawlins Is Chosen President. . . Christian Endeavor Adjourns at Greensboro with Election of Officers

By the Associated Press

Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 27—Paul W. Rawlins of Greensboro, leader of the Endeavor hosts of North Carolina, was re-elected president of the North Carolina Christian Endeavor union here tonight at the closing of the two-day convention. Speakers voiced praise of Mr. Rawlins’ leadership during the past year and spoke of the strides which the organization had made during his term of office.

Other officers elected were as follows: Vice president, R.H. Gunn of Elon College; secretary, Miss Eunice Long of Greensboro; treasurer, John O. Corbett of Durham; Junior superintendent, Mrs. W.H. Howell of Wilmington; Intermediate superintendent, Miss Kate Dubose of Winston-Salem; alumni superintendent, W.R. Eichburg of Raleigh; superintendent of public work, Miss Annie Wilson Mebane of Greensboro; superintendent of missions and tenth legion, Miss Maude Little of Charlotte; superintendent of quiet hour and life work recruits, Rev. H.F. Surratt of Whitakers.

The convention took an unusual step tonight when Richmond, Va., was selected as the place for the next convention, the meeting to take place July 10-14 when the all south convention meets in the same place.

The registration was announced tonight as only 40 short of the greatest ever recorded by a southern state, the total attendance this afternoon being 1,035. Many visitors tonight increased the total which it was believed exceeded all previous southern records.

Aside from handling a number of business matters tonight, the convention heard an address by the Rev. M.F. Daniels of Charlotte and the college branch at Guilford this evening entertained the delegates at a dinner.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Oct. 28, 1923

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