
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Prize Winners Named at Lincoln Fair, Oct. 29, 1923

Lincoln Fair Closed Its Best Year Friday. . . Attendance Good Day and Night—North Brook Community Fair First Prize; Denver 2d; Catawba Third; Iron Station, Fourth—List of Prize Winners Being Prepared

The Lincoln County Fair closed last Friday its most successful year, the attendance on the last day being good. In fact Friday night’s attendance was the largest perhaps of any during the week. The list of prize winners is not yet completed. A few of the winners announced, are:

Community Fairs

Among the outstanding attractions at the fair were the community fair exhibits, as a whole, and the judges declared North Brook had the best of the lot, and awarded the blue ribbon to North Brook, first prize being $50. Second prize, $40, went to Denver; Third, $30, to Catawba Springs; and 4th $25, to Iron Station.

Best individual farm booth—1st prize to Dr. W.C. Kiser; 2nd to John F. Reinhardt, Third to John Wyant.


Best Jersey Herd—L.M. Bolinger.

Best Holstein herd—Even split between Van Asbury and W.T. McAllister, dairymen.

Best herd Black Angus, beef cattle—1st Graham Morrison.

Best herd Herefords—Thos. J. Ramsaur.

Best Poland China hogs and pigs—1st to L.M. Bolinger.

Best Berkshire hog—Tom Abernethy, 1st prize.

Best O.I.C. Hog—1st prize Earl Padgett.

The Judges

The judges for the exhibits were:

Canning and Pantry supplies—Miss Nell Pickens, Home Agent, Gaston County.

Field Crops-- G.M. Garren of Raleigh.

Livestock—County Agent Graber of Iredell County.

Poultry—R.L. Simmons of Charlotte, assisted by Loy Jones of East Lincoln.

Fancy work—Mrs. L.M. Coffey, Lincolnton.

Art—Miss Eva Lore, art teacher in Lincolnton Schools.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Oct. 29, 1923

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