
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Rev. Harrison Winkler Honored on 35th Birthday, Oct. 16, 1923

Celebrates Birthday of Rev. Harrison Winkler, Assistant Pastor

A pleasant evening was spent Tuesday the 16th of October at the home of the Rev. Harrison Winkler, assistant pastor of the Oakwoods Baptist church, by a large number of members, who gathered in to congratulate him on his 35th birthday.

As a token of good will and the high esteem in which Mr. Winkler is held in the community, each one carried along a nice gift which was presented on entering.

A short service was held, sacred songs were sung, and a most enjoyable time was had by all present at this pleasant occasion.

From the front page of The North Wilkesboro Hustler, October 24, 1923

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