
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Rhonda News from the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Oct. 3, 1923

Rhonda News Notes

By B.H. Lewis

The Ronda baseball team met its Waterloo Friday afternoon when it was defeated by a strong Traphill nine on the latter’s diamond.

The senior class of Ronda High School organized Wednesday. Zelda Walker, Olin was elected president and Ruth Sale secretary-treasurer.

The Friday morning chapel exercises were in charge of the 10th and 11th grades. Charles Byrd read the Scripture lesson. Ruth Sale rendered an instrumental solo and the classes sang a number of patriotic songs and melodies.

The Athletic Association was organized this week. Officers were elected as follows: Thomas Hendrix president; Karl McGinnis vice president; Zelda Walker secretary and treasurer; Miss Gena Church, business manager; Supt. B.H. Lewis, boys coach; Miss Church, girls’ coach; John Smith and Ruth Sale, captains; committee on constitution and bylaws, Zelda Walker, Ruth Sale and Karl McGinnis. With this organization we hope to put out two winning teams. Correspondence with neighboring schools invited.

Mr. T.W. Church, Rev. and Mrs. P.A. Underwood, Mrs. C.C. Riddle and Mrs. J.W. Choate were chapel visitors Monday morning. Mr. Underwood spoke to the school on “Causes of Failures.”

Misses Church, Henderson and of the school faculty, motored to N. Wilkesboro Saturday morning.

The Baptist Sunday school picnic was given on Saturday morning at Oak Grove church. Games and races were enjoyed after which a sumptuous dinner was served.

Rev. P.A. Underwood of Mooresville filled the Baptist Pulpit here Sunday. He preached two able sermons to large congregations.

Misses Wardie and Cleo White of Winston are spending several days with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. D.J. White.

Rev. P.E. Parker of Thomasville has closed a successful series of meetings at the Maple Spring church.

Miss Irma Riddle, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Riddle, became the bride of Mr. Forest Russell of Concord last Thursday night, the ceremony being performed by Reverend P.A. Underwood of Mooresville, former pastor of the bride.

Mr. James Hendrix of Jamestown spent a few days of last week with his uncle, Mr. W.A. Hendren.

Rev. J.J. Eads preached an interesting sermon at the Methodist church on Sunday morning.

Miss Sallie Blackwood of Winston-Salem is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.C. Hendrix.

Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Hendrix of Jamestown spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Hendrix.

Mr. and Mrs. William b. Hart spend the Wednesday afternoon in North Wilkesboro.

Mrs. Gydna Carter is giving lessons in piano and art in the Ronda High school.

Miss Carrie Smith Poindexter of Elkin is in charge of the department of home economics.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Oct. 3, 1923

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