
Friday, October 20, 2023

Three Autos Overturn Near Dowd River Bridge In Half an Hour, Oct. 20, 1923

Three Autos Overturn Near Dowd River Bridge

Charlotte Observer

Three overturned automobiles within a short distance of each other and within a space of a half hour is the record of a remarkable series of accidents Thursday afternoon, just this side of the Catawba river bridge on the Dowd road. Slick pavement as the result of the slight rain is given as the cause of the accidents, from which the occupants of the machines emerged with slight scratches and bruises.

One of the cars was Pierce-Arrow touring car owned by C.A. Williams, having as its occupants Mrs. Williams, Mrs. W.A. Wasterman, her daughter; Mrs. Brevard Nixon and Rev. Father Joseph Ryan of New York, who was being taken to Belmont. The machine turned around as the driver straightened the wheels after turning a curve, and toppled over.

Victims of another motor accident close by were just emerging from their accident when the Williams machine overturned. The car bore a New Jersey license. A third automobile was lying on its side within sight of the other two machines. A steep embankment is near the site of the accidents, but fortunately none of the machines went down it.

From page 5 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, October 20, 1923

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