
Friday, October 27, 2023

T.L. East Charged with Embezzlement, Oct. 27, 1923

Probable Cause in Case Against East. . . Former Clerk of Municipal Court in Greensboro Under Bond on Embezzlement Charge

By The Associated Press

Greensboro, Oct. 27—Probable cause was found in the case charging T.L. East, former clerk of the municipal court, with embezzlement, and he was bound over to a higher court under a bond of $5,000 when the case came up for preliminary hearing before Municipal Judge B.H. Collins. Features of the hearing were the disclosures of alleged irregularities, and slackness in the whole department of which the defense is basing its case. Mr. East was present and assisted in searching the records.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Oct. 27, 1923

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