
Sunday, October 29, 2023

William Skidmore, 100, Has Died, Oct. 29, 1923

Mt. Holly Man Dies at Age of 100 Years. . . William Skidmore, Father of 21 Living Children, Oldest Citizen of the Section

Mount Holly, Oct. 23—At the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.A. Roper of Mount Holly, William Skidmore, the oldest man in this section of the state, passed away Saturday. Mr. Skidmore at the time of his death was 100 years of age, having been born in the year 1823. Although married only once, Mr. Skidmore was the father of 21 children, all of whom were reared to matured life.

Mr. Skidmore was a soldier in the Civil war and fought through the entire conflict between the states. He had made his home in Mount Holly practically all his life. He had at one time 202 grandchildren and great grand children. Another remarkable fact about him is that a few years ago there were five generations living at one time. Mr. Skidmore’s mother lived to be 113 years old and his grand mother 116 years of age. Surviving Mr. Skidmore are nine sons and one daughter, Jack, John, William, Lee, Mark, Monroe, Emmet, Tom and Joe Skidmore, and Mrs. M.A. Roper. Mr. Skidmore is also survived by his widow, who is now approaching the 90s.

The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon by his pastor, Rev. E.C. Andrews of the Mount Holly Baptist church, of which Mr. Skidmore was a member. The burial services were conducted at the Hickory Grove Baptist church near Mount Holly. Hundreds of people from far and near came to pay their last respects to the memory of the aged man.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Oct. 29, 1923

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