
Monday, November 20, 2023

Ads on Page 3, Reidsville Review, Nov. 19, 1923

Shop for Christmas now at Liberty Tailors, R.T. King, Manager

Buy “Pride of Reidsville” flour milled at Reidsville Flour Mills at the following shops: R.M. Gillie, C.M. Trent, Gardner & Ware, W.J. Mitchell, Frank Thacker, J.A. Lillard, Pink King, W.L. Rascoe, W.L. Gardner, J.W. Williams, Grogan & Turner, D.C. Burton, R.J.C. Stone, Piggly Wiggly Lowrey Co.

Buy your Maryland Life Insurance from M.D. Holderby, general agent

Complete your education at Danville Commercial College, Danville, Va.

For the best in plumbing and heating, see A.B. Hooper, Phone 329

Castoria for infants and children, in use for over 30 years

Ads on page 3 of the Reidsville Review, Nov. 19, 1923

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