
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Atlantic Coast Realty Company Has Two Auctions Nov. 28, 1923

Atlantic Coast Realty Company Have Sale Today. . . Much Valuable Property Being Sold in and Near This City by This Company

There will be two auction sales today conducted by the Atlantic Coast Realty Company of Petersburg, Va.

The first will be the sale of the Sherard farm on the Goldsboro-Raleigh highway, a few miles west of the city. At this sale free barbecue will be served to every one. Cash prizes will be given, and a band will furnish music for the occasion. At 3:30 p.m. the O’Quinn property will be sold. This property is on Carolina and Ash streets. This sale was to have been made last Friday, but due to the fact that it was raining so hard at the time that it was impossible for any one to attend the sale, it was postponed until today. In connection with this sale, there will be a prize of money. This money is now on display in the window of the Goldsboro (Millers) Drug Store. It is placed in a jar, and the individual guessing the nearest to the exact amount of money in the jar will be the winner of this prize.

The Atlantic Coast Realty Company’s activities in this section of Carolina is indicative of the general business conditions. A representative of the Company stated in an interview yesterday that it seemed like old times, to see people in a position to buy again. Property values are on the increase, and without a doubt, said he, the property we are selling today, this property is in a section of the city that is most desirable as residential property. While the farm that is to be sold on the Raleigh highway is in one of the best farming sections in the eastern part of the state.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Wednesday, November 28, 1923

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