
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Carolina Hotel Ready for Winter Tourists and Conventions, Nov. 16, 1923

Carolina Hotel Ready for Winter Tourists. . . Hotel Under Management of Eddie Fitzgerald—Booking Many Meetings

After a summer’s quiet and rest in which almost every day was spent in planning for the improvements necessary and for the comforts that are a part of this large beautiful hotel known where ever simple elegance and quiet restful comfort is desired, the new management of the Carolina Hotel has opened the doors for the season and is ready to the last word for the large crowd of guests that tax its capacity each year.

The entire building has received a new coat of paint and much of the interior has been redecorated and done over. The drawing rooms, parlors and private sitting rooms have all been given an added artistic touch. The foyer has been rearranged and the spacious glass-enclosed verandas, really the most attractive part of this magnificent hotel, have been entirely done over in the charming shades of blue grey and green, blending in so beautifully with the lovely large pots of ferns and winter growing plants which impress the visitors from the colder climate who come to Pinehurst to enjoy the matchless climate found no where else, with the air of warmth which permeates not only the inside but the corridors and the grounds in and around the Carolina.

The Carolina is under the management of Mr. Ed Fitzgerald, the very popular young hotel man who has resided in Pinehurst for many years.

A large number of guests are already registered at the Carolina and several conventions have been held there and others have dates for the near future. The D.A.R. State Convention, 100 strong, was delightfully entertained the 7th, 8th, and 9th, instant, as was the N.C. Industrial Insurance during the same dates, there were 100 of them. The Southeastern Insurance Convention are in convention the 12th, 13th, and 14th. Plans are being made for extensive entertainment during the following conventions: N.C. Cotton Manufacturers, November 30, December 1 and 2; N.C. Press Association, January 3rd, 4th, and 5th; National Advertisers Association, January 12th to 19th. Mr. Fitzgerald is amply able to handle these large conventions to the entire satisfaction of those who attend as well as give personal supervision to each guest who is so fortunate as to attend these or staying at the Carolina during the 1923-24 season.

From the front page of The Pilot, Vass, N.C., Friday, Nov. 16, 1923

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