
Sunday, November 26, 2023

Church Conference, Annual Appointments by F.W.M. Butler, Nov. 26, 1923

Conference Has Come to a Close. . . With Appointments Read and Other Business Finished—Dr. Blackwell Returns to Mt. Lebanon

By F.W.M. Butler

At the Albemarle Conference Saturday afternoon reports of committees were heard.

At 7 o’clock Saturday night Dr. W.W. Matthews, the missionary secretary who recently returned from work in Liberia, gave a moving picture exhibition of the scenes in Liberia, telling his experiences. He stated that a direct request was made from the natives who are members of our church to come over and help them in enlightening their brethren.

Sunday morning at 9:20 the Sunday school was addressed by Prof. J.W. Eicleberger.

At 11 o’clock so great was the crowd that an overflow service was held in the basement of the church. Morning and evening standing room was at a premium. Bishop Blackwell who was scheduled to preach, stated he felt unequal to the task because of overwork and a severe cold, but, however, he would attempt the same, as that was his mission, and that he felt better when preaching than anything else he attempted to do. The bishop’s text was from Ephesians 14th chapter and 15th verse. Theme, “God’s Spiritual Family.” He stated that in this life many vile and low things of the family should be suppressed that the good name of the family might be maintained. He discouraged the telling of weaknesses of the family to others as it showed our own weakness as a member of the same. In that proportion that the boy or girl is disgraced to that extent is your entire family disgraced.

Keep the family name untarnished if you can.

The bishop closed his sermon amid great shouting and rejoicing.

There were a number of white persons present.

At the afternoon session the bishop presented Prof. J.W. Eicleberger who addressed the congregation form the subject “The Supreme Task of the Church.” He is a well prepared and pleasing speaker and delighted the congregations for about 40 minutes.

A memorial service was held at 6 o’clock in honor of Mrs. Annie W. Blackwell, wife of Bishop Geo. L. Blackwell, corresponding secretary of the home and foreign missionary department, who died during the year, by the missionary women of the Albemarle Conference, assisted by Mrs. Ida Smith, general treasurer of the department.

At 7:30 Dr. F.M. Jacobs, general secretary of the connection, of New York, preached a forceful sermon.

After reading resolutions of thanks to the people generally of the community for their hospitality, the bishop proceeded to read appointments after some brief remarks.

Collection for the day was $303.

Music was furnished by the senior choir, which was very good.

In the reports to the conference it showed that Rev. D.S. Blackwell, pastor of Mt. Lebanon Church, raised more than $10,000 for all purposes. Rev. C.C. Drew was given special mention for having built a new church at Roper, his former one having been destroyed by lightning during the summer.

Rev. D.S. Blackwell was returned to Mt. Lebanon Church. Nest session of the conference is to be held at Cresswell.

Following are the appointments:

Windsor District

Rev. C.C. Hunter, presiding elder.

Mt. Hebron, Plymouth—Rev. H.N. Drew.

Jamesville Station—Rev. W.G. Vincent.

Bethlehem Circuit—Rev. S.S. Johnson.

Lewiston Circuit—Rev. S.M. Etheridge.

Harrellsville Circuit—Rev. J. Sharrock.

Windsor Circuit—Rev. A.G. Dunston.

Macedonia Station—Rev. P.R. Washington.

Roper Station—Rev. C.C. Drew.

Ahoskie Circuit—Rev. J.T. Riddick.

Robinsonville Mission—Rev. A.H. Nixon.

Dr. D.S. Blackwell was the last name called, which brought loud applause at his return to Mt. Lebanon, the first church of the city. It is said to be the best conference since the Albemarle conference was formed.

Elizabeth City District

Rev. J.E. Garrett, presiding elder.

Mr. Lebanon, Elizabeth City—Rev. D.S. Blackwell.

Leigh Temple Circuit—Rev. E.S. Williams.

Good Hope Circuit—Rev. P. McDonald.

Moyock Circuit—Rev. J.N. Cuffie.

Pitts Chapel Circuit—Rev. W.A. Mullen.

Whiteville Grove Circuit—Rev. W.E. Hunter.

Mary Holly Grove Circuit—Rev. W.H.C. Sykes.

New McBride Circuit—Rev. A.S. Edwards.

Snowden Circuit—Rev. C.H. Maline.

Gentile Circuit—Rev. E.L. Burden.

St. James Station—Rev. A.C. Littlejohn.

Coinjock Circuit—Rev. L.J. White.

Okisko Circuit—Rev. Matthew Hyter.

Pilgrim Progress—Rev. J.T. Riddick.

Cedar Hill Circuit—Rev. J. Woodhouse.

Edenton District

Rev. C.W. Winfield, D.D., presiding elder.

Kedesh Station—Rev. J.M. Branch.

Hertford Circuit—Rev. J.M. Draper.

Canaan Temple—Rev. R.C. Councill.

Pleasant Grove Circuit—Rev. J.S. Gurley.

Creswell Station—Rev. E.S. Hassell.

Bay Branch Circuit—Rev. A.W. Garrett.

Winfall Circuit—Rev. B.F. Harrison.

Columbia Circuit—Rev. A.L. Ferebee.

Hawkins Chapel—Rev. S.S. Dickerson.

Hunters Chapel—Rev. I.C. Ackis.

From The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Monday, November 26, 1923

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