
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Edwin Constant, County Motorcycle Policeman, Collecting $17.50 From Speeders, Nov. 22, 1923

Constant Appointed as County Speed Cop

The new hard surface road to Columbus is undoubtedly offering much temptation to motorists to open up and “give her the gas” as evidenced by the number of fines that have been paid within the past few days to Edwin Constant of Columbus, who has been appointed by the county as a motor cycle policeman to patrol county roads.

Among the recent offenders against the 30 mile speed law as set by both county and state, Mayor W.S. “Doc” Green, who paid out his $17.50 cheerfully last Sunday afternoon. Proceeds from the “speeder’s benefit performance” are paid to the county school board. “Doc” Green said he found it necessary to make out a check Sunday so he just made it payable to the school board.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Nov. 22, 1923

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